• Seawallcrest Park (map)
  • 1940 Southeast 32nd Avenue
  • Portland, OR, 97214
  • United States

Beijing Boot Camp: July Edition

Saturday, September 30th

9:00 am - 4:30 pm

LaoShi Fritz, LaoShi Joey, Master Sen and

Junior Instructor Chris

Location: Seawallcrest Park (Hawthorn and 32nd)

$150 with Dinner

$130 without dinner

$75 1/2 day

Register Now!

Beijing Boot Camp is more than just a workshop, it’s a way to expreince the source of Flying Tortoise Kung Fu. Crafted after the proud tradition of “The Beijing Training Day,” Senior Instructors Joey, Fritz and Sen present this full day of 5-6 styles of Kung Fu. Following methodologies canonized in Aliens 4, the senior teachers at Flying Tortoise have scientifically blended their various skills to birth a Boot Camp as close to their training experience as possible. The schedule is crafted to stagger the slower and more rigorous arts to ensure a successful day. Explore pushing yourself to your kung fu limits and get a glimpse of the work that shaped our faculty.


  • 9:00 DingShiBaZhang

  • 10:00 Snack

  • 10:10 XingYiQuan

  • 11:30 Pao Chui Circle / Tui Shou

  • 12:00 LUNCH (Bring your own or pre-order from Master Kong 1/2 block away)

  • 1:00 Subak / Pi Gua

  • 2:45 Break

  • 3:00 TaiJiQuan Standing

  • 3:30 Silk Reeling and Explosive Power

  • 4:15 Li Tai Ji Form

  • 4:30 End

  • DINNER: Kati Thai take out and drinks at the Habers’

    • The giant family meal at the end of the day is park of the typical Beijing Training Day


What’s In Your Training Bag?

-By Lao Shi Fritz Rice (2018)

(Kate: Must brings: Water & Calories There is a porta potty at the park. In light of how unusually rigorous your Saturday will be, pack 100 calories / hr for you to consume. That’s 750 Calories y’all. )

Five items of science food including two goo, two protein bars and shot blocks

  • One Yogurt.

  • One tea egg

  • Two snaky cakes

  • An Asian Redbull.(the best Redbull)

  • One roll of toilet paper in a ziplock bag.

  • A dry shirt for after training.

  • My wallet and with it my ‘locals only month pass’

  • One warm Beijing beer for our post lesson training session. 

  • Two 12oz bottles of drinking water.

  • Anti diarrheal.

  • 100RMB in a hidden pocket. A photocopy of my passport. 

  • a cell phone tripod. 

  • A rain jacket. 

  • Yunanbaiyao plaster for my knees

  • Deer musk orthopedic spray for my everything.

  • A portable speaker. 

  • MMA Gloves

  • A mouth guard

  • My training journal 

  • A pen

After the day of kung fu, those who wish to may join us for dinner at Joey and Kate’s home, a 10 minute walk from the park. $20 for drinks, Kati Thai and whatever things Kate decides to throw together. (venmo to kate-haber or cash)

See you there!