Li Taijiquan and Chen Taijiquan
Li Style Taijiquan is a beautiful and rare form Taijiquan. Created by the famous Boxer Era pugilist Li Ruidong (1851-1917), Li style is an acclectic form. The style draws influence from 2nd generation Yang Style as well as Baguazhang, Xingyiquan, Chuojiao, Tantui and Yuejiaquan. Soft and flowing in appearance, Li Style hides a deep and continuous power called “An FaLi.” An FaLi is a force that is fostered by proper body alignment and the systematic engagement of particular small muscle groups.
Flying Tortoise Academy Master Joey Haber studies Li Taijiquan under 4th Generation Beijing Master ZhangXuean.
Joey studies Chen Taijiquan with his good friend and mentor, Derryl Willis.
Joey Haber’s Li TaiJiQuan Family:
Li Rui Dong
Gao Ruizhou
Yang Lan
Zhang Xuean
- teacher of Joey Haber
Joey Haber’s Chen TaiJiQuan Family:
Chen Xiaoxing
Chen Xiaowang
Derryl Willis
- teacher of Joey Haber
Fritz Rice’s Chen TaiJiQuan Family:
Chen Xiaoxing
Chen Xiaowang
Derryl Willis