4th Generation master ZhangJunMin (seen in a hat) and his students pay respect to BaGuaZhang founder DongHaiChuan prior to the tombs relocation. 5th Generation Master and teacher to Josef Haber ZhangXueAn is standing to the right of ZhangJunMin.
4th Generation master ZhangJunMin (seen in a hat) and his students pay respect to BaGuaZhang founder DongHaiChuan prior to the tombs relocation. 5th Generation Master and teacher to Josef Haber ZhangXueAn is standing to the right of ZhangJunMin.
3rd Generation Banner Holder LiziMing presodes over his students at DongHaiChuan's omg. 4th Generation Master ZhangJunMin and his student 5th Generation Master ZhangXueAn are in attendance.
4th Generation ZhangJunMin being generaly rad at the gate of TianTan (The Temple of Heaven)
3rd Generation Liang style BaGuaZhang Banner Holder LiZiMing is formally recognized by President JiangZeMen as a Living Treasure. This was an emotional moment for Master LiZiMing who was persecuted for practicing his art during the Cultural Revolution.
3rd Generation Banner Holder LiuBin presides over his students. This is the only surviving photo of the 3rd Germination of the Cheng BaGuaZhang family. Not long after this photo was taken LiuBin overdosed on opium and died leaving his legacy to his young heir and future 4th Generation Banner Holder LiuXinHan (no relation)
3rd Generation Banner Holder LiZiMing pays respect to his ShrYe (grandfather) DongHaiChuan
3rd Generation Liang Banner Holder LiZiMing demonstration his BaGuaZhang at The Temple of Heaven. Li Zi Ming is largely responsible for the survival of Liang Style BaGuaZhang during the Cultural Revolution.
2nd Generation Master and founder of Liang Style BaGuaZhang LiangZhenPu
This is the only known image of BaGuaZhang founder DongHauChuan.